Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Mounted units: trench units, bar ground-cutting machines, trench excavators, screw drilling rigs, drilling machines, cable-laying machines, rooters, proportioners, mounted copers, lifting cranes, special tractor lifts, self-propelled installations for well repair.

Models: AT, ATM, BGM12-3, BR00, ETR-223A, ETR-224A, MBSH421, BTS150, USH2T4, USG Atlant, BMP045.12, KVG-1, KVG-2, KT01, MP18, PVG-1, PPG-1, BM833, SP49D, OMT-16, TB-3, TBG-20.01, TBG-20.01.9, TB4, PT403M, KTP-5.0, KTP-6.3, PST-25, GPST-32G, SURS-40, SURS-40T, SURS60, UPT40, UN1T125/160, MK-21, MK-24, MP16.


All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products: tractors, bulldozers, reclamation and forestry equipment, pipelayers, attachments, spare parts
  • Tractors
    T10M, T9, etc.
  • Bulldozers
    B10M6100, B10MB, etc.
  • Reclamation and forestry equipment
    Reclamation and forestry equipment
    MK-21, MK-24, etc.
  • Pipelayers
    TR1222.01, TR20B, etc.
  • Mounted units
    Mounted units
    AT, ATM, etc.
  • Working equipment
    Working equipment
    LT25, B1, etc.
  • Spare parts
    Spare parts
    GM1M et al .


The plant is an industrial association for the production and sale of a wide range of wheeled and tracked road construction equipment (bulldozers, pipelayers, front loaders), spare parts and other high–tech engineering products.
  • popularity

    Consumers of the plant's products are thousands of enterprises in Russia, CIS countries and far abroad in various industries, such as oil and gas, mining, etc.
  • production

    The production potential of the company provides a full technological cycle for the creation of engineering machines: from billet to assembly and testing.

    Modern technologies are widely used at the plant: heat treatment in an inert gas environment, sheet bending, machining on CNC machines and machining centers, etc.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Price list for products of the plant
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire supplier CHTZ


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